Gif2swf is a small but useful application that allows you to convert GIF animated files to flash format. You can convert your GIF files to SWF for creating animated graphics and menus for Web publishing. The program is very easy to use: You have to browse your computer and select the GIF files to convert - you can select several files at the same time. After the files were added into the "Source files" list you can modify the loop options. You can use the original loop, loop forever, or set the times to play the animation. Other options you can use to convert files are: by opening My PC or the Windows Explorer, you can drag and drop the GIF files into the GIF2SWF conversion list, or right-click on the desired GIF file, and select one of the two options added to the context menu: you can directly convert to SWF or add the file to the GIF2SWF conversion list. The converted files are saved in the "My pictures" folder but you can set the destination folder of your convenience. You can also link your SWF files to URLs.